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Yes! I value my community and I support the Douglaston Civic Association. All are welcome to join.


Annual Household Dues are $25

Please Mail your check payable to the

Douglaston Civic Association

Marie Marsina, Treasurer

PO Box 630222

Douglaston, NY 11363-0222

Include your Name, Address, Phone and Email address. (Many of our correspondence is done via email so it is helpful to have your email address to keep you updated.)


Pay your dues using PayPal
by clicking on the below button:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


Resourses contact us for issues concerning the community.


Acitivism participate in events affecting our community such as over-development.


Preservation learn about activities underway to prerserve Udalls Park and other environmental concerns.


Information website updates, emails and newsletters announcing timely information regarding the community and public meeting events.


Douglaston Civic Association  •  917-862-3286  •  •  PO Box 630222, Douglaston, NY 11363

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